(Put a smiley here)

Seeing people meet up like they haven't met for months, when it's actually just a week or so, makes me smile. That kind of cynical smile.


Today is D-day for some people. The test day. And it got me back in time, how it was just last year I've been through this.

I remember how I felt butterfly in my tummy flying around. I remember I couldn't make myself calm. I remember how I chatted people, a lot of people, so I could distract myself. And I remember you were the one who actually made me much calmer.

P.S. And it's somehow funny how I still remember the reason you came so early that day. :)

Drunken Mind (2)

Yes, I remember it. My brain told me to write a new post instead of editing the previous one, so..here it is.

"Isn't there anyone more..I don't know, attractive, at your campus?"
"Are you sure no one catches your attention?"
"Nah, relax. You'll find someone at your campus."

No, darling. The problem is you all don't understand.

Drunken Mind

It's half past two in the morning, so I suggest I'm kinda drunk. Anything I wrote down here, I might regret it later.

And...damn. I seriously forgot what I want to write.