Long Weekend

Seperti kita semua tau, akhir minggu kemarin adalah loooooooooooooong weekend.

Thanks to Indonesia yang punya beragam agama dan budaya. Sehingga yang tidak merayakan juga ikut libur ^^ Oke mulai ngaco....

Jadi, kemana aja kalian selama long weekend kemarin?

Kalau gue sih ke Bandung seperti biasa. Ya, seperti biasa. Karena keluarga gue hampir semuanya di Bandung, dan mulai tahun lalu kakak gue juga udah memulai kuliah di UNPAD. Tau UNPAD kan? Tau dong~


Hari Kamis, sekitar pukul sepuluh pagi gue, nyokap, dan bokap berangkat. Tujuan pertama ke Cibubur Junction. Di sana beli beberapa keperluan untuk ke Bandung. Gak lama di Cibubur Junction, langsung cabut (?) ke sekolah adik. Nunggu sebentar dan kemudian yang ditunggu muncul juga. Tak lama setelah itu, kita melanjutkan perjalanan ke Bandung.

Awalnya semangat foto-foto segala. Lama-lama ngantuk dan..... molor.

Bangun-bangun udah maghrib di depan kos kakak di Jatinangor. Karena udah maghrib langsung buka puasa (pamer dikit~,~). Kakak dateng, beres-beres baju, dan bergegas lagi ke rumah nenek dari nyokap. Sampai sana cuma ngobrol bentar sama kakek dan nenek, dan langsung tidur. Sebelum tidur sempat foto-foto diajarin kakak gue. Keren deh.



Hari Jumat, bangun agak siang dan langsung disuruh mandi. Mandi deh. Abis itu ke rumah kakek dari bokap dan ua (sebutan tante/om dalam bahasa sunda) yang kebetulan bersebelahan. Bercanda ria gitu deh sama keponakan, asik deh. Abis itu ke rumah nenek lagi dan istirahat.

Oh damn, I looked so damn fat here


Hari Sabtu. Hari yang ditunggu nih. Kenapa? Soalnya keluarga besar kakek dari bokap gue mau jalan bareng gitu ke Pelabuhan Ratu. Jam tiga udah dibangunin buat siap-siap. Jam empat siap dan gak lama berangkat. Sampai di rumah kakek dari bokap, eh belum pada datang. Nunggu dulu deh. Rencana berangkat jam lima ngaret jadi jam setengah enam.

Oh, ya, kita semua pakai baju kembaran loh hihihi. Di jalan cuma ngobrol sama adik, tweeting, dan bercanda sama keponakan yang lucu-lucu bangetzzzzzzz. Oke lebay.

Tau gak gua yang mana? Ya itu betul! (?)
Perjalanan memakan waktu sekitar enam jam. Agak lebih lama dibanding perkiraan. Karena ada kecelakaan juga sih mungkin. Sampai di tempat tujuan, kita langsung makan siang. Abis makan siang disuruh main ke pantai. Terus gua ngambek gitu sama bokap dan nyokap. Malu ngomonginnya --" tapi akhirnya ikut main juga sih sama sepupu dan keponakan di pantai.

Rencana ada main game, tapi gak jadi entah mengapa. Akhirnya setelah puas main di pantai kita melanjutkan perjalanan ke kolam Cisolok. Tapi agak ngeselin. Gak juga sih sebenernya. Jadi yang main di pantai, karena pada basah, diharuskan berdiri selama perjalanan. Sekitar setengah jam berdiri akhirnya sampai juga.

FYI kolam Cisolok adalah sungai belerang, sehat untuk tubuh. Tapi panas banget kayak air mendidih. Ada yang gak terlalu panas dan gue main di situ bersama sepupu dan keponakan. WC di dekat kolam Cisolok kotor, jadinya gue mandi di deket rumah penduduk situ. Fuh gak terlalu bersih juga sih.

Setelah pada membersihkan diri. Kembali ke bis dan balik arah untuk pulang. Di tengah perjalanan, sempat diadakan tukar kado. Dan.......... gue dapet sarung tangan yang agak tebal. Setelah dapat tukar kado, gua molor zzzzz. Tiba-tiba dibangunin untuk makan malam. Abis makan malam? Tidur lagi~~~

Ngantuk banget kan mukanya? Emang
Ki-ka: Kakak, Adik, Gue

Bangun lagi waktu sudah sampai di dekat rumah kakek gue. Liat jam udah jam 11:26 dan jalan dengan setengah sadar ke mobil. Sampai mobil tidur, dan bangun udah di rumah nenek. Jalan dikit, solat, dan tidur...........

Hari Minggu bangun agak siang juga. Langsung mandi dan setelah itu mengantar kakak ke kos dia. Balik ke rumah nenek, baca komik, dan tiba-tiba udah mau pulang aja. Pamit ke kakek-nenek dan pergi. Sempat ke rumah kakek dari bokap sebentar untuk pamit, setelah itu pulang. Jalan udah agak macet. Berangkat sekitar setengah tiga dan sampai sekitar jam setengah tujuh.


Bagaimana long weekend kalian?

I've Already Got It!

Have you got it?

The newest book of Raditya Dika
Well I've already got it (a bit show off HIHIHI). It hasn't sold at the book store, but I've got it! Doesn't it cool? Haha -_-

Well, the secret is.......... DENG DENG DENG DENG

I did pre-order MUAHAHA. For the detail of the pre-order of this book click this.


About the book. It's a good book. Like Raditya Dika's previous books, it's a comedy book. But this book has a theme: Love. I haven't read this 'till the end, but so far I like it. FYI: I left Harry Potter to read this book haha.

But, I'm a little upset of the editing of this book. For the example is the picture below...

If you take a closer look of the picture above you'll see there're two words that I circle. In one sentence, "sampai" in bahasa written in un-standart languange of Indonesian: "sampe". But in the next sentence, there's the same word (sampai) and the second time, written in standart language of Indonesian: "sampai"

The paragraph above is only the example. There're some mistakes, like: an uncomplete sentence. But it's still a good book. And you can buy it at the book store start from 1st of June.


A Girl Who's Trying To Spent Holiday,
Shafira Anjani☺
P.S. I haven't got any response

Dear A Friend

"Lets play truth or dare! Or just dare? Because, nobody tells the truth anymore"

Dear a friend (if I made),
I want to tell you something. I feel very guilty right now. I don't know what to do just because of you. I don't complaine about it, but I don't enjoy it either.

So I just want to tell you what happen from my side. On 23rd of May, 2010, one of our friend sent me a DM on twitter. She asked me about it. I told her that I just wondered about it. She asked me again what I wondered. I told her.

Unexpected, she wrote it. To be honest, I shocked. I was afraid, what'll the respone of you about what she wrote.

Somehow you know that I told her. You think (or I think what you think) I told her intentional, to make you to dispute with her. But you know what? I didn't. I told her the truth because I don't want to tell the lie anymore. Like I used to do sometime.

Isn't friendship always tell the truth? No matter how painful it is, right?

So... that's the story from my side.

I don't know what you'll think after read that. But please response me. I've tried to have a confersation with you, but you didn't response me. I'm sorry. I thought without think twice. I'm immature.

I'm sorry :(

I failed...

How can I call a thing is story? When it has ending? How if it doesn't? Can I still call it a story?

I have something to tell you. But I don't even sure that it's a story because it doesn't have ending. But I wanna call it a story. So here we go.....

So sorry for the last post. I wanna tell you something, but it's an old story. Not an old story actually. It happened 6 days ago.

I woke up in the morning, got ready to go. I slept during the journey, but woke up in the middle of the journey. Got my phone, opened 28 SHS's web and shocked. I saw the announcement of the test.

I've already told you, haven't I?

Then, I opened the link and waited. While the file was opening, I wrote on twitter to tell my following which some of them did the same test. A file opened and I started to search my name. At the first time I dind't find my name.

I saw the timeline (twitter). There, I saw one of my friend, Sekar, mentioned me. FYI, I asked her before that, about "does she pass the test?" And yes she does. Beside that, she also told me that I didn't pass the test. Somehow I didn't believe her.

I stopped for a while, and told one of my friend, Hasyim, that the announcement was already there, on the web. I told him, wondered if he could help me find my name on the list. He told me that he saw my name, I didn't pass the test. I shock, but I didn't believe. I searched my name again on the list. And finally I found my name.

The picture below is captured by my phone.

It means
Math: 72
English: 76
Science: 62
Indonesian: 65
Social: 60

I told my mom. She liked me didn't believe it. We were on our way to 28 SHS (that was our plan, in case maybe the web'll be overload) and we tried to get there immediatelly. There, I saw the announcement. And the annoncement is the same like what I saw on phone.


If you think it's a story, it's not. Because it doesn't have an ending. No, it hasn't got the ending. But it'll get the ending. And I'll make sure, the ending is a happy ending.

Well, I hope so :)

P.S. I write this story as detail as I can write. Somehow, it makes me feel better. But if it doesn't work better for you, sorry. And congratulation to Sekar, Regina, Nadiah, Nadia, Ufan, and the others. They could pass the test. Wow they're brilliant!

Good Morning☺♥

I woke up in the morning, looked at my window, and see........ this

Isn't it beautiful?

I think it is beautiful. Sometime something small can make something big for us. The example is this view. This view made me got the sprit I needed. And now, I've already got it . So, let's start this day with this spirit!

♥☺♥ Shafira Anjani ♥☺♥


P.S. Have you added Techno Green's facebook account and following its twitter? If you haven't, add and follow it immediatelly!
What's Techno Green?
Techno Green is an upcoming event of 103 JHS Jakarta.
Why do I have to add Techno Green on Facebook, or follow it on twitter?
If you do, it'll be the easiest way for you to know the newest info about Techno Green
Ok, I'll do it ASAP.
And don't forget to support it too

Thank GOD :)

Ok........... so today is a really important day for me the ninth graders like me.

Because today is the announcement of our graduate from junior high school HAH HAH.

I've already got the result of mine, and here it is....

from left to right: Indonesian, English, Math, Science

Actually, I'm not really satificed for what I've got. But I must be grateful of what I've got. At least, I'm graduated from junior high school, right?

Really big thanks to:
  1. Allah, myGod, who always give me strength to live my life, knowledge, and also strength to make me study hard to get what I want. And maybe I will get what I want, and if I will, it's because of you God.
  2. My family. Especially my parents. They always support me however. Sometime the way they support make me feel uncomfortable because it seems like they wanted me to be perfect for everything. But at least, I knew they did all of those things because they cared of me, and they'll always care.
  3. My friends. Especially CAMUAK. We did all what we could to get what we wanted. We studied together, and we support each other. Sometime we didn't sure of what'll happen, bu we support each other and it made us stronger.
  4. The 8th graders. Especially Traju Ningtias Dwi Utari. Tyas made me feel stronger and confident to face what happenned to me. And the others 8th graders, they made me sure that I could do everything if I do my best. And it was really worth :)

The point is......... I wouldn't did everything I had done without their support to me. Thank you♥

Fight for the better future!

A girl who's no longer a Junior High School student,

Shafira Anjani


YES! Gue berhasil melewatkan seleksi berkas dengan 1038 siswa lainnya yang ingin mengikuti tes RSBI SMAN 28. Tadi baru aja ke SMAN 28 karena akses internet yang jelek kurang bagus~~

Waktu pulang ke rumah dan mencoba buka web SMAN 28 ternyata udah bisa dilihat. Dan ini buktinya kalau gue lolos seleksi berkas :D

Kurang jelas? Klik!

Belum Selesai

Un udah selesai, Ujian Sekolah sudah dilewati. Tapi perjuangan belum selesai. Masih ada tes untuk SMA RSBI. Lulus saja sebenarnya belum tentu-_-

Ngomong-ngomong tentang tes SMA RSBI. Hanya ada sepuluh sekolah di Jakarta tapi cuma boleh pilih satu. Kalau sudah lulus tes harus masuk SMA tersebut. Jadi gak ada tuh istilah coba-coba. Dari sepuluh sekolah tersebut yang notabene semuanya adalah unggulan gue milih SMAN 28. Alasannya seperti kebanyakan orang lain yang milih SMA tersebut: sekolahnya bagus HAHA.

Dua minggu lalu, tepatnya hari Jumat 23 April 2010 gue bersama nyokap dan adik pergi ke sana untuk mengumpulkan berkas. Baru sampai di sana aja udah geregetan terdengar lagu geregetannya Sherina~ (-_-)

Waktu di sana gue benar-benar tidak siap. Gak bawa pensil, pulpen, penghapus, atau pun alas untuk LJK. Tapi cuma setengah jam kita sudah pergi meninggalkan SMAN 28 tuwh. Kebetulan kita (gue, adik, nyokap) datang cukup pagi, sekitar setengah delapan. Gak ada hubungan dengan kelanjutannya sebenarnya-__-

Jadi untuk ke depannya tolong doakan gua ya :D