63.072.000 Seconds

What's the date today?

Yap, it's 11th of December. Which means, I've been writing here for about 24 months/730 days/17.520 hours/1.051.200 minutes/63.072.000 seconds. Well doesn't really matter 8B

And.........I made a video for its 2nd birthday. No, you're not going to see I'm talking for minutes (which I think it's...boring?). You'll see..........this.

...........do you get the point? What I want to say through this video is the history of this blog. How I'm nowadays often blogging in english, how bad my english was (it still is bytheway, but better than it was..at least :P), how I didn't care of words I used, how err I looked, how I used to publish a so looooong post(s), how frontal I was, and others. However, how embrassing I was it made me for who I am now.

Well................happy birthday my blog! I think bloggers don't celebrate their blog's birthday like I do hehehe. Call me Ms. Act Too Much or whatever. I don't care. Because I love this blog :D


Seriously. I shocked when found out the last time I wrote a post is almost a month ago -_- you know I regret that, ha? I will try not to do that anymore.

As I expected, November brought fun to me. Nyeem. But at the end I faced final exam (which is over today :D) No. Wrong emoticon. I should put straight face there. Why? Well I surely will face the remedial week from Monday.
So.........it's gonna be a quick post. Since I knew you wouldn't want to read my story in full version, or would you?
And so here we go..

  1. I played swing with brother&sister. HAHAHA sounds childish, but it was totally exciting and exhausting!

  2. There's another blogger yard sale but I couldn't come due to some reasons. *sigh*

P.S. I'm doing countdown to this blog's 2nd birthday/anniversarry/what-so-ever. Yip yip.