Over a month........again and again. I'm the one to blame this time.
And happy new year! Sounds weird, eh?
My resolution for this is year is still the same. Eh.....no, no, I have a new resolution: go to science class for the next class term, and have a better rank on school and class. That's all. For the first new resolution, I have a problem........on physic. I really suck on it. I love math, but I can't do physic. I can't transubstantiation this formula into the other one, somehow I rarely can't. Or maybe I haven't done my best. Well, let's give a better shot this time! *talk to myself*
And uh.............I'm writing at my father's office, so I can't publish any photo. BU BU.........well who cares yeahaha.
I'll try to write better to for this year ;)
P.S. I don't know why, but I'm glad I often write a late post than publish a post from a draft which may have saved from a loooooooong time, but never be published until a looooooooooong time. Because the feeling when I write the rest of the post, wouldn't be the same feeling.
You and Me?
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