I got this short-movie project for TVC (TV Cinematography) which made me super excited (still is actually :P)!
My class was divided into four groups(=row in class). All of the class member had to write a basic story which the teacher would pick some of the best (in his opinion). He chose eight stories if I'm not mistaken and guess what?!!! Mine was one of them hehehe. Each group could pick any story they liked to be made into a short movie. My story wasn't chosen by anyone but I think that's okay because I would be really nervous (+curious) if someone chose it. *TEEHE*
My group itself chose a story of Zefanya who is also a member of my our group! Ze(fanya) as the director had to make a synopsis of it. After that, I (as a script-writer) made the script (hard as hell, but super fun!). The next step would be.........................the shooting!
We had already given everyone a job. I myself was a script-writer, cameraman, and one of the editors.
The hardest step was.....to find the talent(s). The story of our short movie was about a girl who has five boyfriends. It was hard because our group contained with no boy. I begged everyone I thought could be the talent, wrote on my blackberry messenger's private message (which I rarely use), and tweet hopelessly about it. On the day before the shooting-day we already got four talents.....we still needed one! On the next morning we still had that one talent -_- I did what I rarely do...be a gryffindor (re: brave ;-)) and texted someone I would do anything not to text him. Ehm. After I texted him, one of our talents told Hasna that he would bring a friend. I was like...

Fortunately, he didn't bring his friend. Yeah......it's a fortunate to me, at least what I did was worth it. I didn't ask him anyway :-P So......there we were. At Ayas' house, already took some scenes but the last scene. Lingga was like an angel for us, she called her cousin's friend to come and he wanted to!
Too many words?
Talita-Lingga-Bia; make-up time! |
But we hadn't started yet....... |
The woman girl behind everything |
The girl behind the camera |
BTW the movie is called..
P.S. I could've posted it since longgg time ago, blame Ze for posting these photos on Facebook too late :-P
This would be super random but I just want to tell you that he broke up. To be honest...I'm not happy at all.