No...I'm not going to talk about that toy (well, if I would it should be spelled leggo if I'm not mistaken?)
People say that love takes no reason. If you have any reason to love someone, it's not love. It's crush. That's what people say. I agree and disagree at the same time. I mean, yes, I agree that to be in love it takes no reason. However, I think to stay in love, which is a completely different thing, takes a reason or even more. One can love a person for a different length of time. One could say that she would love someone forever, but would he? I ever said that when I was elementary school, and you might've guessed this...I don't love him anymore. It wasn't even love, I guess. That kind of puppy love...
One would stay in love when she thinks it'd still be worth it, when she thinks there's still hope somewhere. Eventhough it might be indescribeable. No one would understand why she still holds on and stays for something so unsure. They might say that they understand why she still stays, but deep inside they all wonder, "why?"
One sometimes thinks, "is he really the one?" One knows that if he's not, God must've planned something amazing behind all of this. There must be a reason why God made her able to stay for that long for someone like him. One sometimes thinks that he's a clue, a path for her from God to her real the one. One can't be sure. One never wants to let go because she's too afraid. One's afraid that the time she gives up would actually be the time when she could get everything right. One's afraid that she can't love anyone the way she loves him.
One keeps thinking to find a time to move on. To let it be. Then...she thinks again, "so, all of my effort was for nothing? Completely nothing?" So she starts to set a time. A resolution? When she accomplishes it, she would move on. Again...this resolution couldn't be done without God. So there is only one thing that she could do, like she have always been, waiting.
Time could change someone. That time has come. It wasn't something big but it somehow changes the way one thinks. One's determined herself to move on. She's trying not to care of the fact that her effort is going to waste. One took a step....that would mean nothing for most people but for her it means a lot. She knew if she didn't start, she wouldn't. One took conclusion. If God let her to be with him after her effort to move on, then let it be. God's plans are always the best.