UN tinggal 9 hari lagi!!!!
UN tinggal 9 hari lagi!!!!
UN tinggal 9 hari lagi!!!!
UN tinggal 9 hari lagi!!!!
UN benar-benar membuat mungkin hampir seluruh pelajar di Indonesia takut, gugup, dan sekaligus berusaha sebisa mungkin untuk mendapat nilai yang terbaik.
Untuk pelajar SMA, UN tinggal 2 hari lagi.
Untuk pelajar SMP, UN tinggal 9 hari lagi.
Untuk pelajar SD, UN tinggal 16 hari lagi.
Angka diatas bukan angka yang besar. Dengan cepat hari akan berganti dan........... sudah waktunya.
Karena itu mohon doanya untuk kelancaran gue untuk UN ke depannya :)
Posting kali ini adalah posting terakhir untuk bulan Maret 2010.
Terima kasih untuk para pembaca blog yang baik serta yang sudah mendukung blog gue. Tanpa kalian semua, gue gak bakal termotivasi untuk membuat blog ini lebih baik lagi.
UN H-9
Libur Antara UAS
Seperti kita semua tau, hari ini kita libur untuk menghargai warga Indonesia yang beragama Hindu. Mereka hari ini merayakan salah satu hari raya mereka, yaitu hari raya Nyepi.
Oleh karena itu, gue sebagai salah satu warga Indonesia mengucapkan..........
Selamat hari raya Nyepi tahun baru Saka 1932 bagi yang merayakan :)
Seperti kebanyakan orang yang tidak merayakan seperti gue, hari ini merupakan hari libur yang menyenangkan. Terutama untuk anak SMP negeri umumnya, karena kami sedang melaksanakan UAS (bagi kelas 9) atau UTS (bagi kelas 7 dan 8). Libur yang hebat karena berada di antara jadwal ujian.
Apalagi bagi pelajar kelas 9 seperti gue libur kali ini merupakan libur terakhir sebelum menghadapi UN. Oh, iya, UN kurang dari 20 hari lagi loh, oleh karena itu mohon doanya ya blogwalking!
Tentang libur hari ini, gue habiskan dengan berolahraga bersama keluarga, tidur, dan belajar untuk UAS besok: bahasa Inggris dan TIK. Setelah lama gak olahraga, badan gue bener-bener lemes setelah keliling komplek naik sepeda. Fuhh, mungkin harus lebih rutin olahraga kali, ya?
Itu dulu ya buat sekarang. Harus mempersiapkan diri untuk UAS besok, nih.
♥Shafira Anjani
a Selfish Expression
I hate my blog. Not so much, just a little. Not at all the time, maybe just maybe only for now.
I used to always love my blog all the time. Used to. Uh, actually it's not a big problem. It's about my emotion as a teenager. Some people say teenager has unstable emot. And maybe so do I.
Don't you think it's really suck when you've written some things on your blog, you've thought about it for a long time, you've tried to write as good as you can, and......... you think you've posted it but it's not posted. How suck is that? Yeah that's what I feel. I want to re-write it, but it isn't gonna be the same when I write it in the second time. The feel is different, the feel has faded. And the post won't be the same with the old one. Uh, really hate that.
So sorry about this really un-important posted. There's always a time when I want to write something for express my feeling. Sounds selfish, but who cares? I don't even sure people will read this. Well, if they do, thank you so much to spend your time for this suck posted :)
Who made it? shafiranjani at 10.44.00
Labels: Some about me, The Blog
Already Fifteenth :)

So, why? What's so special about the 22nd of February?
Well, how to say it? 22nd of February is my birthday. Yay!!!!
Like the other people, I really glad when I knew it's already my birthday. I think about lots of thinks will happen today. But the most thing I though of is the second try out.
Yup, today the second try out (from the government) has started. And the first test was Indonesian languange. I could do it, but I don't really sure about the result. Let's hope I'll get a better score than before.
And........... yes a thousand times a lot of people uttered me for my fifteenth birthday. Thank you so much :)
I've already fifteen? That's surprising when I try to catch all things I've got. Lessons, experiences, my dearest people, etc.
Ohyeaaaaaaaah, beside that today's not only my birthday. Haha it must be. But what I mean is, birthday of people who I know.
- Saras Swastika Ramadhani, my elementary friend, but I lost her contact :(
- M. Bimo, my classmate.
- Mr. Andi, no he's not my teacher he's my friend's father (Zahra Amaturrahman)
- One of the famous mosque in Indonesia........... Istiqlal
I got some presents. One of them I got it earlier. It was from my brother. What is it? Click here for the easiest way to see. Sorry I don't upload it hehe.
And then also got some things from Elisra&Zahra, my sister (Anggia Sekar Nurulita), my aunt, and Diva&Gistra.
I took some pictures today, and I'm wondering if you want to see it. In fact, do you? Well, if you don't you can close the browser or change the adress. But I hope you see and also like it

Wearing s t-shirt from Elisra&Zahra :3
I am older than before. So I have to do everything in a better way, to get the best result. I know fifteenth is so special, that's why Taylor Swift made a song about it. And I want my fifteenth will be memoreable (in a good way).
That's my story. Today was a wonderful and tiring day for me. What about you?
♥Shafira Anjani
P.S.: Uppsssss after done writing this post, I remember that I haven't done reading Harry Potter.
Who made it? shafiranjani at 12.20.00
Labels: Some about me, Wishes