.............on November.
GOTCHA! (?-_-) I don't know why, but I like to write that. It likes telling people to read/listen perfectly.
So it's already November. Argh. No, I don't hate November. Just....when I'm writing down word by word on this post, my eye's feeling so bad. About an hour ago, strange thing got into my eyes and this thing was killing me so bad.
By the way, I personally believe November is a WOW-month. Why? Well, The first part of HPDH1 (Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallow part1) is coming (and yes, I love Harry Potter so much!), another blogger yard sale is coming (but.....money.hik.I know you know what I mean T,T), and people birthdays are coming (why am I so exciting about this? I mean should I?)!
And hah this Friday I'll get my mid-raport. Glek. I think I've done something so much better than I had done in JHS, but this something hasn't reach its best. I have to help this-something to reach its best, for my future. Even I don't really know what I want for my future. I want to go to Sorbonne or Oxford for college but I don't know why. I mean, I want to study there because I admire France and England. I really want to study in Sorbonne like Marie Curie did, and I adore her. I want to study in Oxford because I love and want to speak english better. So many reasons, but these reasons exist for....nothing? I think I still have time to think about it, well I still on my freshman year I still have about two years. But soon, I will have to choose which one I want, social or science. And yeah, this's also a problem. I know I want gor for science, but for no reason. Maybe I want it because what my parents really want, but somehow I think I also want it so bad. I don't want to be a doctor, but my parents want me so bad to be a doctor. I love language, but I won't take language (if there will be). I want to be a writer. So bad. But everyone tells me, "you can write everywhere and everytime". I know, but write is needed a concentration and focus, just like math. But I also want to be a bussines woman, have my own bussines. I want things to much. Just maybe like everyone else.
Wow a long pharagraph. I know I should separate it into some different pharagraphs, but I love it the way it is. Sorry for spamming :)
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