‎​Bonne année 2010*



It's already 2010 friends! Happy new year. I hope all of us can do everything in a better way and get the best result. And we have to be a better person for our self and other people.

We have passed 2009. For me, it was a greatfull year. I found my besties, my passion, etc. What about you?

Love and peacefull,
Shafira Anjani a.k.a. Via (the writter of Kami, dia, and Via)

*‎​Bonne année 2010= Happy new year 2010 in france's language

a Late Expression For Mother's Day

I know it's too late to say... Happy Mother's Day!!!

But after I thought about it again, it's always better than nothing.

So here it goes...
I've planned to make a video for Mother's Day and upload it to this blog, but I didn't because.... I was too shy. I told almost everyone (actually, I only wrote two or three tweets about it) that I'll make a special video for mother's day but the fact is.... I didn't make any video for Mother's Day. Hmm I've tried but I think it was too embarrassed.

And I decided to show you this:

Happy Mother's Day
Your beloved daughter,
Shafira Anjani

The Picture above is made by me. It's not my best, I know I can draw (or write?) something's better than it. But the most important thing is the feel when I drew it.

Uh I almost never do something like this. I almost never show my love to my mom. I think it's not important because I know she knows it, like I know how much she loves me even she never tells me. Maybe our love shows by our way to laugh and smile together. The way we understand each other. The way we get angry because of something's weird. The way I love her. I love you mom :)

Even I write it. I really hope she won't read it. Uhhh it's embarrassing, isn't it?

Logo blog "kami, dia, dan via"

Halooo blogwalking!!! Kalau kalian pelajar pasti sedang asyik-asyiknya menikmati liburan. Beberapa orang dewasa (baca: yang bekerja) juga sedang menikmati hari libur.

Tapi..... gak begitu dengan gue dan keluarga. Bokap gue masih harus kerja selama liburan. Sempat ambil cuti tapi cuma dua atau tiga hari. HAHA apa banget, ya, pakai curhat segala. Walaupun liburan kali ini sangat biasa, tapi kan ada yang menemani selama liburan. Teman gue selama liburan adalah hp, laptop, dan kasur. Ketahuan banget males ya -__-

Oke, itu bukan topik yang ingin gue bahas di post kali ini.

Seperti kalian semua tau atau enggak, gue sangat sayang dengan blog ini. Walaupun sering ditelantarkan tapi blog tetap menjadi pilihan pertama untuk menghabiskan waktu. Karena blog mengasah kreativitas, keterampilan menulis, dan blablabla.
Intinya, di post kali ini gue cuma mau pamer beberapa bukti sayang EAEA gue terhadap blog ini. Ketika sedang bosan, terkadang gue suka bikin coretan tentang blog. Tapi sebelum melihat, gue hanya ingin mengingatkan kalau gue gak pintar di bidang edit foto atau sejenisnya. Jadi hampir semua hasil coret-coretan gue adalah manual.

Jadi inilah hasil coretan gue tentang blog sepanjang tahun 2009.

Gambar ini dulunya adalah header blog. Dibuat dengan sangat manual dan alami.

Cara pembuatan: bermain dengan kecap.

Ini benar-benar kurang kerjaan. Komputer hang dan TADAA.. jadilah gambar diatas

Cara pembuatan: Printscreen dan edit di Paint.

Waktu di Bandung dan bosan akhirnya kertas sisa jadi korban.

Cara pembuatan: potong kertas sesuai bentuk yang diinginkan dan susun

Sama dengan gambar sebelumnya tapi sedikit perbedaan.

Jujur ini bukan karya gue. Ini karya teman gue yang brilian Sekar.

Tapi gue bangga mengakuinya sebagai salah satu bagian blog ini.

Ini karya gue yang paling baru. Baru saja dibuat beberapa hari yang lalu

Cara pembuatan: Gambar apa saja sebagai dasar dan tumpuk dengan tulisan besar dan tebal.


Sebenarnya ada beberapa lagi. Tapi gue enggak berhasil menemukan dimanapun, bahkan Mr. Google pun tidak bisa membantu. Selain itu menurut gue segini aja cukup membuat kalian bosan. Karena buah sayang gue ke blog ini tidak bagus mungkin.

Kalau ditanya, gambar yang paling gue sukai adalah gambar terakhir. Ehh, tapi gambar yang pertama juga suka. Dan gambar buatan Sekar sangat lah bagus hehe. Jujur gue gak bisa milih. Karena semuanya punya kenangan tersendiri waktu membuatnya. Tapi gue paling gak suka gambar nomor dua sih hehe. Oke, gue tau ini gak penting.

Segitu dulu untuk sekarang. Selamat menikmati liburan!!!

Today is The Day

Today is My blog birthdays :)

I really excited to know that and I made a video to celebrate it. Hope you like it :)

It's not a great video, is it? I really glad to know a lot of people read my blog, even they read it just because of me. Maybe they just read my blog because I ask them to do that haha. Actually I never ask anyone to read my blog. So thank you for read my blog!

A lot of my story I wrote on here. Blog is my place to show what I feel. Blog is my passion, my story, and my friend. And I really really love my blog so much.

For one year I've written more than a hundred post, made more than two thousand my friend read my blog. I'm not a good blogger, I'm just a student that spent time for writing on blog. But I'll try to be a better blogger than now.

I don't know what to write for now. I'm speechless, I'm nervous, and I'm glad. All these feeling mix in my blog. My blog has a piece of my heart, you can laugh for it. Me, Shafira Anjani, the silly one can write that. But I really love my blog, even there are twitter, plurk, and yeaaah something like that.

For the last time I want to say thank you.

PS: I've finished my mid test, wish me luck for the score!