Should I be happy? No, and I don't. In fact, I never want to go to school, to study, as much as I want it now. Well, for now....not really. But couple hours ago, yes I really do.
And hmm...I want to tell you about my weekend.
On Friday, as I told you, I went to Blogger Yard Sale at Mazee-fx. I went there with Safira, Shaviera, and Cindy (Yes, there were 3 Safiras :P). There were so crowded and WOW. I didn't take any picture, because I was so busy picking up some clothes to buy -_-
At the end I only bought two clothes, which is being my regret now. And kinda dissapointment with that, because I had crush with a shirt but I didn't buy it because I was confused. How stupid -_- And, one of the items I bought is the same with kak Diana Rikasari. How awesome!!

As I told you, I didn't take any there's no photo of me and kak Diana Rikasari. RRRR. But she saw me wore her ♥Earth bag. I only can be envy seeing my friends' photo taken with her.

Left fx, I went to Bandung with my family. We reached Bandung about 10 pm. We just visited my grandfather and go to sleep.
On Saturday, I spent most of the day by laying on the couch. And the rest, in the evening I, brother, and sister went for karaoke. Yeaaah \m/
On Sunday, we left Bandung ex. for my brother, he lives in Bandung.
Is this post boring? -.-