A week ago, 2nd October, 2010. A week ago was Batik day. And...like lots people, I was wearing Batik.
I planned to write the post about it a week ago, but I didn't. I came home about 10, and I was too tired to write something on blog.
And now..I can write (well, I Insya Allah always can). But my phone is broken :( Do you want to know the story behind it? Maybe yes. But I'll make it short. Hehe. Kinda desperate ._.
So, on Wednesday there was a heavy rain. Very heavy. From school, I called abang ojek (-_-) to take me to Ratu Plasa. On the way to Ratu Plasa, the rain came. I put my phone on my skirt pocket. After reached Ratu Plasa, I looked at my phone. It was wet. I tried to make it dryer, but I was wet too. So it didn't work. Hah.
I took the batery, and put it in again. The problem started. The keypad didn't work well. So I took the batery again, and put it in again. And my phone was getting worse. And the bus had not came. And there was a traffic jam. The bad one.
So I decided to go to my father's office, which's not far from Ratu Plasa. The taxi driver declined to take me to my father's office. He only would take me somewhere near from there. And once again, it was because the traffic jam. And the traffic jam was because the rain. RRR.
I think I tell you too much -_- ok then, back to the topic. What's the topic anyway?
Oh yeah, I remember. Batik Day. My phone. I have a picture of me wearing batik on that day (2nd October, 2010), but because of the rain now my phone is being repaired. So I can't show you the picture. And I think, you don't care either. Ehem.
About Batik Day. I love Batik. It has sooooooooooo many kinds of motif. And I'm so glad and proud of Batik. Because everyone wears Batik. Last year, I also write about this day and how I was wearing Batik. And this year, something's different.
At my school (SMAN 6 Mahakam), every Thursday the students wear Batik.
Where's the difference, silly? Almost every student wear Batik every Thursday.
Well, yeah, the difference is at my school, we don't have Batik uniform. Every Thursday, we can use our favorite Batik (but it must be a shirt). But it's cool and unique!!!! Wearing different Batik. Hehehe :B
I have picture(s) of me and my friend wear different Batiks, but....you know the reason.
I hate to write goodbye, but it's almost midnight. So...goodbye! :)
You and Me?
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