It's 22:42 now. Tomorrow I'll face the mid-term test. Kinda late, huh?
The fact that I'm going to face the exam tomorrow is killing me. Due to the fact that I just got back from Bali. Geez...what kind of student that goes for a vacation before the exam?
Tomorrow I'll be facing chemistry, France, and computer(?) uh what do we call it in English.....
Chemistry will be the hardest. Yesterday, I spent my time in the bus. And finally got back to the hotel when it was almost midnight T_T if I could choose, I would sleep until we had to get back to Jakarta. But I couldn't, instead of that I was studying until...3 in the morning or so. God blessed me. I'm not the a night person btw hehehe.
And here I am....
You and Me?
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