haloooooo semua! jujur aja, perasaan gue sekarang campur aduk. semangat, terharu, sedih, dan depresi. tapi untuk saat ini gue pengen nulis tentang satu hal aja ya.
Well I fell desperate. So much reasons. And here are some:
- I lost my phone. After I lost it, I know that I really need it. I can't get any picture of some moments that really important for me. And I can show you the picture of the moment.
- My cousin (Naia & Reyhan) won't come on Wednesday. They'll come on 5th of September. I feel hopeless.
- My class band isn't played as well as I though. The problem isn't from they, but from the audio. Do you know how it feel?
- I see my blog is BAD. I'm not a good blogger, and I hate it. I hate that I can't make my blog more BLING than now. And what I post have nothing special.