Setelah Sekian Lama

Halo pembaca blog!!

Wow udah lama ya kalau dipikir bahwa gua udah lama gak posting dengan bahasa Indonesia. Bukan maksud sok atau apa, tapi post dalam bahasa Inggris dimaksudkan untuk mengasah kemampuan bahasa Inggris gitu deh.

Oke.................. jadi apa yang gue punya untuk ditulis dalam blog kali ini?

Sebenarnya mulai minggu ini, gua sebagai murid kelas 9 di sekolah gue (SMPN 103 Jakarta) udah bebas untuk menentukan ingin masuk sekolah atau tidak.

Dan baru hari ini gue menentukan untuk tidak masuk sekolah. Alasannya karena mau berenang dan naik sepeda karena udah lama gak olahraga. Sedikit gaya boleh lah~~

Tapi sayang banget nih, karena udah lama gak olahraga gue cuma kuat satu jam kurang dan langsung loyo. Padahal dulu gak begini hiks T_T Untung saja ada Pocari Sweat yang mampu mengembalikan tenaga.

RRRRRRRRRRRRRR.... mulai gak jelas ya. Intinya gue perlu menambah waktu untuk olahraga :D

Shafira Anjani~

Some Things You missed

So here we are,

Reading my blog and checking out what's the newest post here. I've left my blog so long, and there're lots of story I haven't told you.

And........ here we are, I'm gonna tell you some of my stories that you missed.

So here they are......... somehow I think it's kinda boring to say some-almost-twins-sentences for the third time.
  1. Spent some times with family♥ on 27th of February, 2010.

  2. Went to my elementary school (SDI AL-Azhar 20 Cibubur) and met my old friends on 8th of March, 2010.
  3. Finally could solve my first rubic on 11th of March, 2010.

  4. Went to a really cool place called Brightspot on 14th of March, 2010.

  5. I could fill all of them!! It was on 21t on March, 2010.

  6. Made a really cool domino on 28th of March, 2010. It was stood of my nick name: Via :)

  7. I've through the national exam. Wohoooooooooo!!! It was on 1st of April, 2010.

  8. My room was repainted and got a new AC AHAAY. Kinda weird see them ha?

  9. Went to the old town of Jakarta for the second time with my family on 3rd of April, 2010. And this is review about the first time.

  10. Finished the practic exams on 16th of April, 2010. And you know what? I was the first on run competition. Me and my friend must ran for 3 kms. W O W. The sport exam was on 8th of April 2010.

  11. Went to Lux Beauty Lounge with my CAMUAK ♥☺ on 16th of April, 2010. But sadly, I didn't go there with all of CAMUAK. But it was totally fun and relaxing there.

  12. Got my NINEONEO's almamater jacket on 21st of April, 2010. Love it so much :D

  13. Had a big pleasure to be part of TechnoGreen's team. Techno Green is an upcoming event of 103 JHS.

So much fun I had in the past. But I believe I will have so much more than I had.

Peace and Love,

Shafira Anjani a.k.a Via

Second Time

Do you know Diana Rikasari? She's one of some famous bloggers in Indonesia. For me, she's my inspiration to keep blogging and she's also my motivation to "expand" my blogging skill. Briefly, I love her blog.

So..................... why do I write about her?

A few days ago, she wrote a post. She told the reader that she'll give 100 free shopper bags for whom send her an email with some criteria.

I didn't think twice and send her email from my gmail account. I believe it was 7 o'clock. At the same day, I was feeling.......... oh hell I don't know what does it call. It was kinda only for fun. Ok, then, I sent an email to Diana Rikasari again but from the different account. The second time was used my yahoo account.

Skip the story 'till yesterday............

I as-usual took a look of her blog. I was wondering, if the winners were announcement. And yeaahhh... THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!

I started to search my name on the list. I believed I was beetween number one to five. But I wasn't. I'm the seventeenth and seventy ninth. I WAS SO HAPPY and..... guilty :( I think it's not fair when I sent twice with two different accounts and same name. And the worst part they both be the winners.

It was the second time for me to be the winner of a quiz to held by my favourite blogger.

Wew, when was the first time, Vi?
Click here for the fastest way. The quiz was held by Raditya Dika. I think you know him, don't you?

And..................... if you want to see my name for any reason on the list of the winners of the quiz, you can click here. Who knows that maybe you're on the list too?

Too lazy to go to the web page and wait for the loading of web page? Don't worry, I show you the print screen. Psst....... I see the comment of the post about it and I think I'll only get one. Well, it's still a big pleasure for me.

Hmm it's not so clear. So maybe you need to see on Diana Rikasari's blog. So sorry for that :)

Love and peace,

Shafira Anjani

negara impian lo dimana?


Ask me anything please :)

Do You Feel The Same Like What I Feel?

I also miss every even a little things that I do when I was blogging. Searching picture, thingking what to write, pick words, and the others. I really want to write a post right now. But the condition isn't let me to. And so is the time. If I'm blogging seriously know. It won't work. Because I won't do the best to the post.

So........ see you next post :')

Lots of love,
Shafira Anjani