Sorry for the late post. I was sick.
Yeah, after I published the previous post and wrote " No I'm not sick" I got fever, cold, something like that. I didn't real know, and I didn't care either hehe.
You can skip this. Serious.
I'm feeling so much better. I can taste my food as usual, and OhMyGood I feel so grateful, because food is real delicious. When I was sick, all I wanted to do just sleep and wish I'll be alright -_- What am I doing by the way? I'm writing like I'm the first human in the world who got sick. That's.....not cool. I got something to tell you. And that's more important than this.
So......I want to tell you one thing. I miss the old me. Girls on twitter usually tweeted "I miss the old him" unyu unyu unyu.... no offense ok. But I miss the old me. Sounds weird, ha?
I miss what I used to be......I'm not how I supossed to be....I don't like it.......I don't hate it either......but I don't feel comfort with my self. The fact is: I hate "new habitate". It's not because I hate to say goodbye...well, hell yeah I also hate to say good bye, but the worst is I hardly adapt with "new habite". When I face it, I always look back, look at the memories.........rrrh hate my self.
But....when I was a freshman in JHS. I think I didn't feel this way. In first two weeks, I had already feel like "home". But not now. I still look backward.
Find the differences! right back, gonna kill my self.....................kidding of course. I can't imagine how if my SHS friends see these pictures -_-
I've got some new friends of course. And they all are nice. I just.... need more time to adapt with these all new things. Stop complaining. Ok, I know I must try that. And stop talking too. Bye. Thanks for everything.
P.S. And you know what.......I realize know that some of my friends miss their JHS like I do. They told me they don't or haven't get many friends. But I thought what happens to me is worse because blablabla. Well, after I think again, I was wrong. I told things, like it's bigger than it actually is. The fact is, it's not. Sorry about that. I think I am crazy. Real crazy. OK I talk too much again. Bye again.
You and Me?
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