Yes! I'm writing a post.
I promised you to write soon about my trip to...Pengalengan. Yeah, glad to know that you remember that. Or, you aren't? Doesn't really matter to me either :p
I was hopeless to write a post this week. Because I'll be busy for the rest of this week, but Alhamdulillah thank God, I only have two homeworks for tomorrow and I've done both of them.
So....Pengalengan? One word: Cold. I think I can't describe Pengalengan as cool, because it's more than cool, it's cold. Or I was just too sensitive(?)
I left house on Saturday at 6 in the morning. I waited in front of Cilandak Town Square, and about two hours later we started our journey. First, we ate in Bandung. Then, shopped some at Pabrik Badjoe (which is also in Bandung).
And I had just knew, that it was Bandung's birthday. Well, happy birthday Bandung! About two hours later, we had already in Pengalengan. The weather, the water, everything is cooler than Bandung.
At 6 in the night I went to the tea factory. I love the smell of fresh tea leafs (♥͡.̮♥͡) bytheway.

The next day, I woke up, prayed Subuh, took a bath, and took some photos. How couldn't I? The view was so beautiful. Hehe. At 10, I got in the bus and went to...I forgot don't know the name of the place. There, I went rafting! It was cool!!! In two meanings. :P (Because the water was a way too cool).
After rafting, I went back to the guest house/hotel/? and prepared to go back to Jakarta. Nice weekend :D

But it's time to back to the real world. Wake up people! :)