Two weeks ago was like a nightmare for me. There were some try outs from the government. I thought it'll be such like the real national exam, so I studied harder and tried to did it by myself. And I think I did. Fiuhh.... I really glad to knew that.
Today, I got the result. It's not good. But it's not bad either. So all I can say is Alhamdulillah. As usual, I tell you a lot of things. Why don't I do that again?
So here they are...
Math: 8,8
Science: 7,2
Indonesian Language: 8,4
English Language: 8
TOTAL= 32.4
Median: 8.1
Ohyeah, today I also got the result for the other tests. They were like the try out from government, but they were made by the teacher of my school. Like what I write above, I'll write the result too.
Math: 8,3
Science: 7,2
Indonesian Language: 9,4
English Language: 10
TOTAL= 34,9
Median: 8,75
I do not show off all of the number above. I don't write it because I proud it because it's not bad. I can show you my bad score. And for your info I've ever got five for my math when the others got nine or more. In fact, that's not something to proud of. I ashamed of it.
But I really don't want that happens again. So let me study harder from now to make me a better girl and a better blogger.
Shafira Anjani.
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