The past two days and yesterday are important days for me. Why? It's exatcly one year after the discord of 8.4. It's kinda hard write a post about 8.4. No, it's not because of something bad happened. It's because of the memory. Everytime I think about every think that I've through with the others in 8.4 can make me sad and happy at the same time.
I write this post because one year ago, I promised I would write a post about it. But I was too lazy and I think no one cared and when I wasn't too lazy, I think it was too late to write about that. So why don't I write it now? :)
May 22, 2009.
I prepared. That was an important day for me. I was going to Puncak with my 8.4! How could I be more excited? I really love 8.4, they're like family for me. I never had any problem with anyone of them. I packed my clothes, some snack, and a I-didn't-know-it-would-be-whom gift.I promised to Brenda to go together. But I waited for the car, and it took about an hour. I felt guilty to her but I hope she was good with that. So we went to Koperasi Cijantung. There, others had waited for us. Hehe sorry pals. After that, the bus came and we started our journey!
Because the traffic jam of Puncak we got the place at 12 or more? We took a rest for a while. Some of us were praying, and the others set the room. A room was for four people. I was with Zahra, Gistra, and Diva. After pray, we ate lunch together.
The lunch time had overed. The next was........ game time!
First, we made a big circle. Then we count, "one, two, three, one, two" something like that. I got one with Diva, Zahra, Regina, Dhea, Kennedy, Hardi, Wikan, Ferdinan, Nadia Nur, and Cynthia Eka.
Our first assignment was to make a yell of our group. We made a circle and tried to think something. But we thought nothing. Yeah we just spent our time. And we could see group two was working hard to make the yell. Time had already up. The guide asked us to show our yell first. Glek! We had to show it. Then we just said "satu.... satu.... satu...." with our point finger pointed the sky-_- That was all.
Group two made a great yell. They made something like cheerleaders. Hmm I remember some of their yell. It's "Dari Jakarta sampai Cisarua...." Ok I can't remember more than that. The group three.... I forget :P But it's of course better than ours (group one). Well, the winner for the yell was group two.
Then came the other games. There was a long rope. The group had to do an unique skipping. Two of the group hold one side of each rope. The others somehow had to jump through the rope together. Silly but.... totally FUN!
We took a rest. At night, after had dinner, we made a circle in the yard. We brought our gift. We threw it at the center of the circle. Randomly, each one came to the center of the circle. Told the others about some things about 8.4 and our beloved teacher, Ms. Sri Lusinah. After told some things, we took randomly too the gift. Uh really miss that time.
The one who got my gift is Rahma Maulidina as known as Boni! I got the gift from Kennedy. It was some note books. Yes! Because of that I didn't have to buy books for the next year :P
After that we sat around the campfire. We also ate some corn. Yummy :3 It was almost midnight and we came back to our room. But I didn't sleep. Me, Gistra, Zahra, Cynthia, Diva, Kennedy, Aufa, Hardi, and I think there're some others but I forget :P played UNO Stacko together. At the end we stopped play it and go to our room for some rest.

May 23, 2009.

But that meant we had to say good bye. It wasn't a good bye actually. Because we still had some exams to do. But it was still AAAAHH~~

Written by Shafira Anjani for Adi Ridho Atika Mianti Ayu Fatmawati Brenda Vanessa Cynthia Eka David Parulian Dhea Fairuz Diva Shafira Fadli Arfi Ferdinan Fikri Aufa Hardi Parulian Iedtitah Isna Aulia Kennedy Sampurno Lia Wahyu Made Cynthia Mahahera Bastynov Muhammad Madani Nadia Nur Nadiah Kansa Nitho Alif Nursito Dwi Prastika Apriliani Putri Amalina Rahma Maulidina Raisha Dinar Refi Melia Regina Anjani Rindu Riskia Riska Diah Rizka Humeiro Rusydah Syarlina Sangkara Septiviana Savitri Vega Annisa Veronika Oktavia Wikan Indrianingdyah Yoseph Dias Zahra Amaturrahman Maaf kalau ada kesalahan dalam penulisan nama.