Left or Right?

This story began on Monday when all of my veil was being washed. And the worst part was that I knew it in the morning before I left home.

I tried to find one but there was NO ONE. UUH it was because in the last weekend I went to Bandung and left some dirty clothes at home. And when we went back....... I don't need to fill that blank, do I?

Back to the story. My mom gave an idea. And...... the idea is like what I thought before. She wore me her veil. You know that, right? The silky one, the one looks like square, the one needs brooch, and the one makes me looks older. Uh uh the last one is the exactly reason of why I didn't want to wear it. But what could I do? --> Too expressive, I wasn't that panic -_-

And, yeaaaaaaaaah, the story is still continued.
I went to school with an old white silky veil. Lucky me, when I arrived at school, the school was still dull. And when I got into the class, no ones gave comment about me and my veil. Until some of my friends came and realised something different about me. Some of them laughed at me. And some of them said that I was prettier with that veil.

Nyunyuhhh it makes me think. Am I look better with my veil or my mother veil? And....... what do you think?

Left one or right one?

Those pictures above are taken on the different days. So sorry about the bad quality of the pictures. And also for my really silly face hehe. In fact, I'm a little shy to show off those pictures. But.......... they are for my blog, why not?

So, what's your opinion about those pictures?

P.S: Psssttt... I just got an early birthday gift from my beloved brother. He gives me two novels of Harry Potter. By the way, check his twitter account here.

Hampir Satu Tahun yang Lalu

Hari ini, ketika sedang melihat tumpukan buku lama tiba-tiba melihat sebuah buku kumpulan puisi yang dibeli hampir setahun yang lalu.

Isi puisinya bagus walaupun agak berat

Hampir setahun yang lalu
Melihat buku ini mengingatkan gue akan beberapa hal. Dan, ya, semuanya tentang masa kelas delapan gue di delapan empat.
Beberapa hal tentang buku ini:
Buku ini gue beli untuk tugas Bahasa Indonesia.
Buku ini gue beli bareng Zahra di Gramedia cabang Graha Cijantung.
Buku ini gue beli hari Sabtu setelah pulang sekolah.
Buku ini gue beli sehari sebelum gue pergi ke Kota Tua.
Buku ini gue beli sehari sebelum ulang tahun gue satu tahun yang lalu hehe
Dan beberapa hal lainnya.
Setelah tanpa sengaja menemukan buku ini, gue membaca beberapa puisi di dalamnya dan ada satu diantaranya yang jadi favorit gue. Ini puisinya.
Mata Air dan Akar Pohon
--sri sudarsih, idris abbas
aku terikat oleh kelahiran
kau terikat air susuan
membiru dan mengalir di sungai-sungai
dengan tebing-tebingnya
yang selalu mengucapkan
selamat tinggal...
tapi sebagai akar penyangga tebing
aku telah mengecap ngilu arusmu
menggesek kusut jalan
memeluk batu-batu
tak kutahu mengapa kita terpisahkan begitu jauh
bahkan bagaimana rupa bulakan
yang dulu menyatukan kita
hingga aku pun merasa asing
untuk meraba tubuh sendiri
mencari kepedihanmu, sayatan di tubuhku
saat kita dipisahkan
jika pun kini sebagai akar
aku juga terkat air susuan
meradang sendiri mencari celah
merambati tebing-tebing yang curam
mencari tahu jalan
bagaimana kita dipertemukan dulu
sebagai akar yang menyimpan air
untuk menumbuhkan pohon baru
kuhayati takdirmu
bagi pertemuan kita yang kekal
merembesi tebing-tebing
menggiring sungai
ke asalnya...
(Ditulis kembali dari buku "Mata Air Akar Pohon" oleh Nur Wahida Idris tanpa perubahan).
Apa puisi favorit kalian?

Before Read The Book

Something really great happened to me today. I got an inspiration from a friend. She's Nabila Cikita. Because of God who created her, I realised something really important. She told me that she read a book about pray, and she told me some about the books. It was really scary. I haven't read the book but I can imagine what it'll tell me. I hope, after I read the book I'll get more inspiration than what I've got now. I am nothing wihtout God. And I won't exist if God won't me to be exist.

Today, I prayed to God and I feel really peaceful. I felt like I was the one who talked to God. I felt like I was really talking my problem in front of God. But, when I opened my eyes, the view that I felt was gone. But I still can feel it until now. What a great feeling.

Whoever we are, we are nothing without God. Uh, it's silly to read it from an-almost-fifteen-teenager, but it is true. But, you know what? I was thought that I had been enough close to God. Really stupid. Really arrogant. A lot of people more religious than me and they I think never thinking like that.

It's never too late to be a better person.

The Shop


Berhubungan dengan materi Praktik Wirausaha dalam PTD (Pendidikan Teknologi Dasar) di sekolah, gue dan beberapa kawan membuka.....


Logonya buatan sendiri, jadi harap maklum kalau jelek hehe. Bahkan logonya belum resmi, baru selesai dibuat beberapa menit yang lalu. Tetapi pada intinya, kelompok kami menjual makanan dan minuman sehat yang sesuai dengan keadaan. Mau tau apa? Tunggu tanggal mainnya hanya satu hari yaitu pada tanggal 10 Februari 2010 di SMPN 103 Jakarta Timur.

Selama kurang lebih lima jam menjual berbagai makanan yang selalu dalam keadaan segar. Harga sangat terjangkau untuk para murid, guru, hingga satpam. Tidak sampai Rp 5.000!!!! Jadi manfaatkan kesempatan yang hanya sekali seumur hidup ini!

Semua yang terlibat di dalam The Fresa adalah orang-orang yang berpengalaman dalam bidangnya masing-masing sehingga menghasilkan kualitas terbaik. Dengan produk yang berkualitas dan harga yang murah, apa yang kalian tunggu?

The Fresa: Atikah Rizka Niniez Dhea Arini Dyah Ayu Puspita Fauziah Syifa Mutia Arini Nabila Cikita Riska Diah Arianti Rizka Humeiro Shafira Anjani

The Tryout

Two weeks ago was like a nightmare for me. There were some try outs from the government. I thought it'll be such like the real national exam, so I studied harder and tried to did it by myself. And I think I did. Fiuhh.... I really glad to knew that.

Today, I got the result. It's not good. But it's not bad either. So all I can say is Alhamdulillah. As usual, I tell you a lot of things. Why don't I do that again?

So here they are...

Math: 8,8
Science: 7,2
Indonesian Language: 8,4
English Language: 8
TOTAL= 32.4
Median: 8.1

Ohyeah, today I also got the result for the other tests. They were like the try out from government, but they were made by the teacher of my school. Like what I write above, I'll write the result too.

Math: 8,3
Science: 7,2
Indonesian Language: 9,4
English Language: 10
TOTAL= 34,9
Median: 8,75


I do not show off all of the number above. I don't write it because I proud it because it's not bad. I can show you my bad score. And for your info I've ever got five for my math when the others got nine or more. In fact, that's not something to proud of. I ashamed of it.

But I really don't want that happens again. So let me study harder from now to make me a better girl and a better blogger.

Shafira Anjani.