How can I call a thing is story? When it has ending? How if it doesn't? Can I still call it a story?
I have something to tell you. But I don't even sure that it's a story because it doesn't have ending. But I wanna call it a story. So here we go.....
So sorry for the last post. I wanna tell you something, but it's an old story. Not an old story actually. It happened 6 days ago.
I woke up in the morning, got ready to go. I slept during the journey, but woke up in the middle of the journey. Got my phone, opened 28 SHS's web and shocked. I saw the announcement of the test.
I've already told you, haven't I?
Then, I opened the link and waited. While the file was opening, I wrote on twitter to tell my following which some of them did the same test. A file opened and I started to search my name. At the first time I dind't find my name.
I saw the timeline (twitter). There, I saw one of my friend, Sekar, mentioned me. FYI, I asked her before that, about "does she pass the test?" And yes she does. Beside that, she also told me that I didn't pass the test. Somehow I didn't believe her.
I stopped for a while, and told one of my friend, Hasyim, that the announcement was already there, on the web. I told him, wondered if he could help me find my name on the list. He told me that he saw my name, I didn't pass the test. I shock, but I didn't believe. I searched my name again on the list. And finally I found my name.
The picture below is captured by my phone.
Math: 72
English: 76
Science: 62
Indonesian: 65
Social: 60
I told my mom. She liked me didn't believe it. We were on our way to 28 SHS (that was our plan, in case maybe the web'll be overload) and we tried to get there immediatelly. There, I saw the announcement. And the annoncement is the same like what I saw on phone.
If you think it's a story, it's not. Because it doesn't have an ending. No, it hasn't got the ending. But it'll get the ending. And I'll make sure, the ending is a happy ending.
Well, I hope so :)
P.S. I write this story as detail as I can write. Somehow, it makes me feel better. But if it doesn't work better for you, sorry. And congratulation to Sekar, Regina, Nadiah, Nadia, Ufan, and the others. They could pass the test. Wow they're brilliant!
You and Me?
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